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مهارة الاستماع

شاهد هذا الفيديو

نصائح مهمة لتطوير مهارة الاستماع

كبف أطور مهارة الإستماع؟

: من تجربة

الاستماع يحتاج إلى تركيز وتدريب تدريجي واستمتاع

استمع إلى محادثة أو شاهد فيديو مع النص

movie, interviews, conversations

ماذا بعد ذلك ؟ استمع إلى نفس المحادثة ولكن بدون نص ولا تنس أن تكتب أهم

العبارات أو الكلمات التي تواجهك . الكتابة ستدفعك للتركيز فيما تستمع إليه

الآن وقت التدريب

اختر المحادثة المناسبة لمستواك من هذا الموقع الرائع ثم تدرب على الاستماع بمشاهدة النص مرة ، ثم بدون النص مرة أخرى

شاهد هذا الفيديو الذي يوضح 5 أسرار لتطوير مهارة الاستماع

تجربة طالبة شغوفة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في تطوير مهارة الاستماع

Listening is a super key to speak, i.e. if you listen, you will become a good speaker.. Let me tell you something... When I started to learn English, I didn't even know from where I should start. I decided either to read or to listen. I was so confused . then, somebody on YouTube was stoking my attention as well. His name is A. J. H

I listened carefully to what he said even though I didn't understand any words or any sentences :(, but he used his body language, so that help me to get what he meant as if I'm a deaf person :(.. Two weeks later, I started to realize some of his words.. Notice my dear friends I was listening to him only, not practicing , I just listened :)... .....

I became worried that I don't know How Can I Introduce myself? , that means I have to change my way in learning English. Suddenly, I found “”, this useful website helped me to learn some steps, but not that much. while I became much curious about English language. My mind became ordered more than before. "I Can Tell that I was In state of Becoming"...... I turned back to Mr. A. J. Hg. I realize why he always said " don't learn individual words just focus on phrases " and " keep listening ". Therefore, I did and I imitate him as well until all my friends noticed that :)... .........

When you want to be a good speaker. Stop wasting your time in reading steps to be able to speak which doesn't help. Start listening to this list of simple but powerful English ... .........

When you want to be a good speaker. Stop wasting your time in reading steps to be able to speak that doesn't help anymore. Start listening, listening And listening to this list of powers and simple English

3- Nowadays I start deal with which incurs my listening as well ------

After I worked hard on myself , I decided to help people who are struggling and willing to learn English ; as a result, my friend and I have established our project's account in Twitter which is @english_skills5

Practice, practice, practice

مواقع وتطبيقات مفيدة لتطوير مهارة الاستماع


Practice makes perfect

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